I continue to press on

by chuckofish

Two more days (and counting) of VBS!

Today we toast Errol Flynn on his birthday. Born in 1909 in Tasmania, he moved to Hollywood in 1934. His third movie was Captain Blood (1935) with 19-year old Olivia de Havilland, and the rest, as they say, is history.


I always say Errol was a much better actor than people give him credit for, because he always comes across as such a nice gentleman, and we know that probably wasn’t the case. Whatever. I like his movies and will watch one this weekend. It is a pleasure to watch him handle a horse…

…a bow…

…a sword…

…and the ladies…

In other news, here are the Seven Wonders of the South. You will get no argument from me, Matt Mitchell, and #7 is right on the money!

Roll Tide.