This was a long week, was it not?

by chuckofish

Well, hello and happy Friday, dear readers. The alarm on my phone just went off–and I can’t remember why I set it! I hope it was to remind me to write a blog post. I guess merely setting the reminder alarm is no longer enough–I’ll have to start labelling them! This is worthy of a facepalm emoji and an oy vey.

Well enough about that. I did not spend the week toiling at VBS but I did have to work all day each day. And then take my silly dog on a hot walk. But I’m not complaining. Mr. Smith continues to adjust to his new lifestyle of guard dog several feet removed from the windows.

Quit bothering me, I’m watching the neighbors.

I am very excited because, having lived in my house for a year, I am finally starting some home improvement projects. For instance, this past weekend I painted my front door. It used to be a bright royal blue which was a bit much for my taste. I think the green is an improvement, even if it isn’t quite the color I had in mind. I’m pleased. And I’ll do the backdoor this weekend.

Tomorrow, I am having my landscaping cleaned up and a (small) dead tree cut down. I am really looking forward to my mother no longer commenting on the dead tree every time she comes over. And also having a more presentable yard. Next week, my driveway is being resurfaced. I’m a real homeowner, Gepetto!

I will close with this, because it really did make me laugh out loud.
