Note to self


Mark your calendar! New episodes of Arrested Development are scheduled to appear on on May 26!

I have to admit that I love this show and that Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth is my role model. The whole cast is great. (Click on the picture to enlarge it and see the gif.)

Anyway, it is good to have something new on the horizon, because most of “my shows”–such as they are–are running down to the end of the season. What will I do without my boys, Dean and Sam?

The Winchester boys sharing a pensive moment.

The Winchester boys sharing a pensive moment.

Yes, I am indeed a big nerd. (You may have thought I was a hipster because I love Arrested Development, but not so!) I even have succumbed to watching the heretofore slandered (by me) Dancing With the Stars this season! I have been on team Kellie and Derek from day #1.


I have no shame.

My brother and his wife eschew television, and indeed have never owned one in all their married life. They are not time-wasters like me and my family, and I applaud them for their strength of character (really I do). Nevertheless, I must say, after a hard Monday at the salt mines, there is something soothing and mindless about watching DWTS. It is an alarmingly wholesome show, despite the fact everyone is half-naked. Explain that one to me! I realize that this is the downfall of civilization as we know it, and, much as I regret this and would like to turn to my Emerson and read in the evening, I just can’t.

So the summer approacheth. This is when I traditionally get my money’s worth of Netflix. What will you be watching?