“Someday soon we all will be together/If the fates allow/Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow.”

by chuckofish

Tonight, we watched Meet Me in St. Louis, featuring the original “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” The lyrics are a tad too apropo.

My Missouri pride was really in effect today as we also took a jaunt to Jefferson City to see my Christmas decorations and the Capitol. I roped one of my co-workers into giving the fam bam a VIP tour including a trip up to the rotunda Whispering Gallery. On the way, we peaked out one of the windows overlooking the floors from the third to the first floor. As you can see, Katie was quelle interested.

Legend has it that the Missouri Capitol Whispering Gallery is the first one of its kind intentionally designed so that a person whispering on one side could be heard by those standing on the other side. We climbed 54 steps (!!) to get up there, but I think we all thought it was worth it.

A trip to the Treasurer’s Office is not complete without a visit to the VAULT. Although, we realized that a vandal had literally stolen some of the handles from the spinny wheel. The State’s cash money is no longer stored in the vault, but the excitement of opening the heavy door is still real.

Sadly, we did not take any pictures together, nor did we take any pictures outside under the clear blue sky. However, I’m pretty sure the quick stop to downtown Jeff City and nearby Fulton, MO did impress our worldly visitors from back east.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, muddling through or not.