What are you reading?


I read a lot and I am always looking for something new/old to read. Right now I am reading A Light in August by William Faulkner, which I have never read before. We’ll see how far I get.

Here are a few things to read from around the internet:

From the gee-no-kidding department.

This was interesting!

Here’s a picture of John Wayne and his daughter Aissa on the set of Hatari! (1962). He loved to have his kids with him on set/location. Sometimes they even had a little part in the film. She looks just like him.

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And this was a good thought from Conan O’Brien:

I had a great conversation with Albert Brooks once. When I met him for the first time, I was kind of stammering. I said, you make movies, they live on forever. I just do these late-night shows, they get lost, they’re never seen again and who cares? And he looked at me and he said, [Albert Brooks voice] “What are you talking about? None of it matters.” None of it matters? “No, that’s the secret. In 1940, people said Clark Gable is the face of the 20th Century. Who [expletive] thinks about Clark Gable? It doesn’t matter. You’ll be forgotten. I’ll be forgotten. We’ll all be forgotten.” It’s so funny because you’d think that would depress me. I was walking on air after that.

Stay humble.

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Enjoy your Thursday. Friday is just around the corner!